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Vintage collectable Advertising Yo-Yo Aloha - With String

$ 6.00 
SKU: VF23-6
Vintage Collectable Yo-Yo

Black with Green lettering. Aloha - back says "We understand the UPS and downs of Restaurants operations". Get it? Ups and downs.

It is in fair condition, with scratches. But it has a string and works.

*All of YoYoSam's Vintage Yo-Yos have been checked by a knowledgeable yo-yo collector for accuracy and authenticity. They are guaranteed to be genuine. Beware of fakes and inaccurate descriptions.

*Thanks to Lucky Meisenheimer for providing information on this yo-yo and many others in his book, Lucky's Guide to 20th Century Yo-Yos. The most comprehensive Yo-Yo collectors book ever written.