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AroundSquare Remeshok Chetki - Manipulation Beads - Russian Flipping Beads

$ 90.00 

Remeshok Chetki

The Remeshok chetki are Aroundsquare's modern take on the jointed plate style chetki which are commonly found in Russia. The name Remeshok comes from the Russian word for "strap", reflecting the clean lines of the set. Each set consists of 18 small rectangular beads, plus two tapered end beads, strung together on 300 lb kevlar cord. The resulting set has a simple, minimalist look, but represents a great deal of refinement and streamlining in the development process.

Full Delrin: This model plays very light and snappy. It carries little momentum, but it is still highly playable, and can be slapped around indefinitely without having to worry about banging up the hands. Equipped with a titanium 8mm Micro Boss. weight: 16g

Brass Stripe: Available only in white or black. This model is also very light, but the addition of the single brass beads near either end give a bump to the overall weight and momentum, making it slightly easier to use for momentum based play. weight: 22.6g