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Rain City Skills Book - The Yoyo and Skill Toy Coloring Book - Mr. Yoyothrower

$ 9.99 

Enjoy this hands-on journey through the modern world of yoyos and skill toys! Read and learn while you color.

Inside you'll find

- A 12 coloring page tour through the world of yoyos

- 10 pages showcasing a range of other skill toys such as kendama, spin tops, fingerboards, and juggling props!

- 14 full and complex theme pages featuring yoyos that have fun names and stories behind them

- 8 pages of yoyos reflecting classic painting styles like abstract impressionism, regionalism, cubism and more!

- 5 collection pages that wrap up the book. Can you name all the yoyos?

Each page is paired with a short paragraph explaining some of the differences between skill toys, themes, and interesting trivia! Buy a copy, grab something to color with, and enjoy some peaceful coloring while you decide which skill toy you want to add to your collection next!