Libre - Lee Jihoo signature
Libre is the signature product of Lee Jihoo, the Korean 5A boy of SENSE. Jihoo won the second place in the just concluded OWYYC final and was praised as the future 5A star by a group of 5A authorities.
Instead of working like a signature yo-yo which is designed solely based on the personalized needs of a specific player, Libre is a work jointly created by Jihoo, ULTIMATE (Jihoo's korean local group) and team SENSE "A signature yo-yo means a lot to me. I hope Libre could be as comprehensive as possible so that more people can find it useful" Jihoo said. So, under such collab-creation, Libre, the first high-end flagship of SENSE, a professional yo-yo signed by a 5A player but not limited to the needs of 5A,
finally got born.
The universal diameter of 56mm, the efficient width of 49.5mm, and the weight level in 65g, are the ultimate-response to the modern comprehensive sport-tech. It is worth mentioning that the width slightly exceeds the conventional range. 49.5mm is the decision made by all 1A, 3A and 5A players from the teams after testing and screening several prototypes with different width. Such a test took months, and in fact the entire project of Libre just started in June 2021, thus avoiding the blind pursuit of width and the subjective conjecture as much as possible. Back to the yo-yo itself, it is self-evident, that Libre performs outstanding in throwing and catching, such as physical tricks, horizontal
skills, and so on.
In summary, the design of Libre is not satisfied with an ideal width provided only. At the same time, the design of other aspects, such as part-structures and weight-distribution, are committed to avoiding the disadvantage of the "width", a double-edged sword. With such a coordinated operation of all aspects, it got possible to present a highly completed work.
Weight: 62.2g/2.19oz
Width: 49.5mm/1.95in
Diameter: 56mm/2.20in
Gap: 4.6mm/0.18in
Body Material: 7075 Aluminum
Ring Material: Stainless Steel
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