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yoyofriends Hypercut Yo-Yo - PC and Stainless Steel Hybrid YoYo

$ 69.99 

from yoyofriends

Introducing yoyofriends' first hybrid yoyo, hypercut. Hypercut is based on the bimetal papercut with wider body, heavier stainless steel ring weight, and higher overall weight. Truly pushing the limit on performance for a hybrid yoyo. Hypercut is also our anniversary yoyo, celebrating 9th year of yoyofriends.

Hypercut Specs:
Weight 66.1g
Material PC+SS
Width 46.5 MM
Diameter 55.5 MM
Gap Width 4.52 MM
Pads Seat 19.2*14.2*1.2 MM
Axles M4*8 MM