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Zeekio Fire Hula Hoop - 100cm Hoop - Super Light, Super Strong - Easily Disassembled - YoYoSam
Zeekio Fire Hula Hoop - 100cm Hoop - Super Light, Super Strong - Easily Disassembled - YoYoSam
Zeekio Fire Hula Hoop - 100cm Hoop - Super Light, Super Strong - Easily Disassembled - YoYoSam

Zeekio Fire Hula Hoop - 100cm Hoop - Super Light, Super Strong - Easily Disassembled

$ 110.00 
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It's super light but still strong, makes good flames and it is easy to carry and handle. The ring is dismantled into tubes and fireheads. The sticks of the heads are made of steel wire, so they are flexible, and are not sensitive for falling . They also fix the ring together, so the surface is clean, there are no disturbing knobs.

You can attach the pieces with screws which are included. If you want you can practice with the hoop without the fire heads.
The surface is covered with sticky tape for the better control, and shiny mirror tape for the glimmering effect.

The hoola hoop dismantles in 5/6 segments which simplifies both storage and transport. Screws are provided in order to play without fire and it is possible to assemble with one less segment to create an 80cm hoop.

Width 90cm with 5 segments

Width 100cm with 6 segments