The Rebrand
As Rain City Skills has grown, more and more people have asked us about an inexpensive, beginner plastic yoyo.
The challenge?
$10k and 2000 minimum order. You have to pay for a mold, then make a minimum of 2000 yoyos, 500 per colour. And if you sell most of those, you'll break even. You don't start profiting off budget throws until you can sell more than 2000
They aren't that big yet.
So they went with an option that had been done by many yoyoers and companies over the years - licencing (rebranding) someone else's design. Specifically the Magic Yoyo One Third.
The one third is the yoyo they've been using to reach school kids for a few years now. It's got the wing shape, so it looks like an expert yoyo, but is nicely tug responsive for beginners.
So they got 500 made in Rain City Blue!
One challenge they foresaw, they really wanted to avoid people who don't read descriptions saying "hey, that guy ripped off Magic Yoyo!" or "That's just a Magic Yoyo One Third"
So they decided to be as up-front as possible about the process. Hence the name Rebrand!
They put Waylon on creating a logo. His partner Mandy actually came up with the idea of a design that looked like we took the original logo and just stamped "rebrand" on it!
To give it that rain city flare, Mrs Yoyothrower took photos or graphics of each player on the team and created logos. Rain City then printed sets of pogs!
Each Rebrand will come with 3 random sets of pogs so you can support your favourite team member. The pogs are a touch smaller than our last batch, but if you have some from our first batch, you can squeeze them in!
The Rebrand comes with a couple spare strings, some stickers, 3 sets of pogs, and a slim beginner bearing installed. You can toss in a full size bearing(NOT included) for unresponsive play, but you will get some vibe.
Weight: 54g/1.9oz
Width: 42.4mm/1.66in
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